Today, Bioclipse2.0 beta4 was released (versioned 2.0.0.B20090409). Grab your download from
Sourceforge (unfortunately this release cannot be updated from the update site). This is (hopefully) the last beta release before Release Candidate 1, and contains numerous bug fixes, Balloon for 3D conformer generation, and a SmartsView for testing out
SMARTS on your chemical structure. Please report any bugs to
Screenshot: Bioclipse 2.0beta4 with all Features installed from update site. From left to right: Eclipse RCP, XWS4J, CDK Extras, Sample Data, Blue Obelisk Data Collection, Balloon, QSAR, HIVPred, and Chemoinformatics.To learn more about the features and projects in Bioclipse, see the
Bioclipse Wiki.
Nice screenshot! Shows well how good the plugin/feature stuff is working.